A Comprehensive Guide to Foot Analysis

These days, people are pretty cautious about their posture and movement. That is why Gait Analysis Essex is pretty popular. Let's know what foot gait analysis is. With the help of foot analysis, the professionals actually take a vivid print of your foot. This type of Foot Analysis features various pressure points of your foot along with its alignment and arch. In simple words, foot gait analysis is nothing but a systematic study of animal locomotion. Here the professionals focus on measuring the body movements, the activity of muscles, and body mechanics.

Benefits of gait analysis

Believe it or not, the Gait Analysis Chelmsford provides a number of psychological and physiological benefits to your body. Mostly, the athletes and sports enthusiasts are seen booking an appointment for gait analysis. Let's know why.

When it comes to the sportsman, the gait analysis is pretty important to improve their day-to-day performance. Also, recreational runners can go for a quick gait analysis if they want. This will enhance their performance of workouts and sports activities.

The gait analysis gives you complete information about your feet. Therefore, you are able to choose the right size of shoes for yourself. Clearly, this pair of shoes will help you to walk, run, and jump better.

If you are looking to rectify your current running style, you can count on foot gait analysis anytime. The gait analysis reveals information related to the ground reaction force. It has the ability to prevent you from impending injuries on your knee and other joints.

The gait analysis leads to an effective rehabilitation process. This analysis is completely focused on a larger group of muscles and tissues which are in need of much more flexibility.

Apart from this, the gait analysis is pretty helpful to orthopedic doctors for the treatment of your foot injury. 

How to do a gait analysis?

Do you know that gait analysis can be done by a licensed physical therapist only? The gait analysis generally involves a very detailed examination of your foot area. But upon your request, the therapists can assess the condition of your hip, upper body, back, and ankle from the data of gait analysis.

It is quite easy to measure gait at home. All you have to do is divide the number of steps you have taken by two. Later divide it by the measured distance. This way, you can measure your gait. But do you think gait analysis is this easy?

The professional therapists will do a video gait analysis for you. They will ask you to run on a treadmill for a few minutes. At that moment they will record multiple things about your feet such as angular displacement, angular velocity, pressure applied, etc. Finally, they will feed the information to a connected software for thorough analysis.

So, if you wish to improve your running efficiency and get a good posture, you should definitely book a gait analysis today. Here you should know that the therapists charge a very minimum amount of money for a high-quality foot gait analysis.


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